Tuesday, January 22, 2008

HAPPY 2008 ???

So the clock struck midnight and it became 2008. I had great hope for this new year, sort of a new beginning for me but the year had something else in store for me. If the remaining eleven months are going to be anything like the first few weeks, I am in for a long year. Maybe I should look at it that I got some bad stuff out of the way right off the bat and my year can only get better. I did say I wanted to stay positive so yes that is the way I will think of 2008 for now.

Its funny how priorities and perspective change as you get older. The number one priority I had in my early 20's every new year was to make sure I passed my courses so I wouldn't have to take summer school or retake a class the following semester. Nothing was worse, at the time, than having to retake a course. I was good in school but I had to stay focused or you could forget it. With my friends, it was easy to loose focus, who wants to study when you can go to Maldune's and have $1.25 Rolling Rock and listen to our friend's AC/DC cover band? Focused is what I stayed though, I finished college with pretty good grades and as the first person from my family to have a 4 year degree. Than as time went on my priorities started to get more "mature", getting my credit in line, figuring out my career path etc. I am pretty sure I have figured those out but what now? What do I focus on now?

How do I create a Happy 2008 for myself? This is a question I have asked myself since the rocky beginning of this year and I can only come up with one answer. Focus on me and do what I want to do this year. It sounds simple but if you know me at all you will understand that focusing on me is not my strong point but I am working on it. For starters I went to visit my dearest friends in Texas, by myself and Carrie and I are planning a girls weekend for March. I am very excited about that. For now I will stay focused, focused on me and maybe just maybe 2008 turn out as I hope.

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